The Livingston Parish Recreation District 2 met in a regular meeting on Wednesday, January 10, 2024, ni Watson, La. at 6 pm at the Administrative Office (Live Oak Sportsplex) located at 36965 Louisiana Highway 16, Watson, La.

Present- C.Prescott, T.McRae, J.Hood, B.Beard, A.Curtis, B.J.Guerin, V.Brown Absent: none

Guests: Director Mike Hansen Public: none Meeting called to order by Chairman Chris Prescott Pledge of allegiance was given and prayer led by Brett Beard.

Motion to adopt the minutes as mailed for the December 13, 2023, meeting with no public comment, by B.J. Guerin seconded by B.Beard Vote passed Yeas-7 Nays-none Absent-none There was no old business.

Director, Mike Hansen, reminded board to provide certification statements for Ethics training and Sexual Harassment training for 2023.

He stated that registration is currently underway for Spring Soccer, Baseball and Softball seasons.

He noted that the Tournament Season begins on February 7, 2024, and that events are scheduled through July 14, 2024.

He stated that the staff is currently working on concession facility maintenance.

He noted that the staff is reviewing the need for a few more security cameras at the park.

It was stated that freezer issues were being addressed.

Vice Chairman, Tracy McRae discussed the financial report with the board for the December period of operations as compared ot budget with January bills.

Motion to accept the financial report of December and pay the bills as presented for the January period with no public comment by C.Prescott seconded by A.Curtis Vote passed Yeas-7 Nays-none Absent-none There were no public comments, so Chairman moved to the next agenda item.

Chairman reported that the land adjacent to the Park has been posted again and nothing else new on land is available to report.


 Under Committee Reports:

a- Vickie Brown gave an election education and planning report noting that a draft of the renewal tax flyer for the 4-27-24 election has been created. She stated that various merchants have pledged support (Subway owner Rick Patel, Stacey Phipps Sport N Center, and Billy Taylor of McLin Taylor Engineering. Mr. Taylor has volunteered to create a site map with current and possible future expansions for use in educating as well as a donation for signs.

Vickie Brown will continue to work on election materials.

April Curtis is working with daycare providers to post and provide information to families.

Director is planning to give educational election materials to all sports registrants. Tracy McRae will be contacting schools to research the possibility of sending information home with students.

b- There was no information to report on the Capital Outlay Committee.

Under board comments,

-1 Vickie Brown discussed the need to post dates of the meeting on the website. Director suggested to use FaceBook to post.

2-Tracy McRae discussed the need to post the agenda and minutes for each meeting. Director shared that the website update is nearing completion, and he will post the agenda and minutes for each meeting.

3-Board discussed employees and the need to secure appropriate staffing. Director has several candidates in mind for openings. One individual can work two days a week and another can work beginning at 10 am daily.

4-Lawn maintenance was discussed and the Director shared quotes of $105,000 and $111,000 have been obtained so far from outsourcing. The board thanked the Director for action on the quotes and noted that this will be taken under advisement until after the April election.

-5 Board discussed the need for Soccer, Baseball, and Basketball commissioner positions.

6-Discussion was again made on the potential of pickle ball courts and the impact on fall Soccer for this area.

There was no old business. Next meeting set for Wednesday 2-21-24 6 pm Motion to adjourn the meeting with no public comment by C.Prescott seconded by V.Brown Vote passed Yeas-7 Nays-none Absent-none Randall Smith – Administrative Secretary Next public meeting on Wednesday, February 21, 2023 6 pm