The Livingston Parish Recreation District 2 met in a regular meeting on Wednesday, October 11, 2023, ni Watson, La. at 6pm at the Administrative Office (Live Oak Sportsplex) located at 36965 Louisiana Highway 16, Watson, La.

Present- C.Prescott, J.Hood, B.Beard, T.McRae, B.J.Guerin, V.Brown Absent: April Curtis Guests: Director Mike Hansen Public: Jeana Miller Meeting called to order by Vice Chairman Tracey McRae Pledge of allegiance was given and prayer led by the Administrative Secretary.

Motion to adopt the minutes as mailed for the September 13, 2023, meeting with no public comment, by B.Beard seconded by B.J.Guerin Vote passed Yeas-6 Nays-none Absent-April Curtis Chairman Chris Prescott arrived at the meeting. There was no old business.

Director, Mike Hansen, reported that various groups are interested in the 2024 schedule for their organizations to host tournaments under a rental agreement.

He addressed the board on his staffing needs and summarized the status of his Assistant Director, Landon Faulkner. He covered the history on searching for a replacement for this position and his actions attempting to fill the position. He shared his strategy on the attempts to hire and requested to hire a qualified candidate.

Board fielded various questions on the advertisement, board communication, and agreements made on the job. Tracey McRae explained that the board needs to look closer at matching the job duties with the qualifications of a candidate.

Landon Faulkner shared his view that he was not intentionally looking for another job but rather investigating an offer from an outside party. He noted that he is not leaving his position. B.J.Guerin asked if Landon Faulkner was interested in the position described by the Director. Landon Faulkner stated that he was very satisfied with his position and agreed that more help is needed. He shared his desire to continue with his current outside duties and responsibilities. Brett Beard noted that the Director needs the assistance of more employees.

Tracey McRae suggested that the Director should assemble a detailed job description with criteria for a future board consideration. She volunteered ot assist in documenting the employee needs as given by the Director ni order to move forward with securing help for the Director.


 Chairman Chris Prescott made comments on the board’s responsibility of giving oversight of filling an Assistant Director position and noted that hourly employees are the responsibility of the Director regarding hiring and dismissal.

Administrative Secretary recommended that the board establish a Personnel Committee who will work with the Director on compiling items like job description, duties, and compensation/benefits in order ot ultimately make a Chairman appointed Tracey McRae, B.J.Guerin, and Brett Beard to the Personnel Committee for the 2023-2024 period.

Administrative Secretary presented the financial report to the board for the September period of operations as compared to budget and presented October bills.

Motion to accept the financial report of September and pay the bills as presented for the October period with no public comment by C.Prescott seconded by T.McRae Vote passed Yeas-6 Nays-none Absent-April Curtis There were no public comments, so Chairman moved to the next agenda item.

Chairman reported that the individual originally interested in the 29 acre land is not offering the appraised value which cancels the negotiation to date. Chairman is reaching out to others, but recommends to proceed with developing the current property since the potential purchaser is not interested at the appraised value. He also noted that the Pendarvis property (adjacent land) was being considered for an acceptable price ($25,000 per acre), but with no sale, no action can proceed.

Under committee reports, Tracy McRae reported from Capital Outlay Committee. She continues to discuss the pickle ball addendum to add to expansion plans.

Under board comments, it was noted that this Saturday 10-14-23 is important for the District due to the Renewal Election.

Motion to adjourn the meeting with no public comment by T.McRae seconded by V.Brown Vote passed Yeas-6 Nays-none Absent-April Curtis Kandal Smhti Randall Smith – Administrative Secretary Next public meeting on Wednesday, November 8, 2023 6 pm