The Livingston Parish Recreation District 2 met in a regular meeting on Wednesday, March 13, 2024, in Watson, La. at 6 pm at the Administrative Office (Live Oak Sportsplex) located at 36965 Louisiana Highway 16, Watson, La.

Present- C.Prescott, T.McRae, J.Hood, B.J.Clark, B.J.Guerin, V.Brown Absent: April Curtis

Guests: Director Mike Hansen

Public: Johnny Morgan representative of Obedience2Death Ministries Thomas Bryson, Livingston Parish Office of Emergency Preparedness Meeting called to order by Chairman Chris Prescott and he welcomed Mr. B.J.Clark to his recent appointment on the board.

Pledge of allegiance was given and prayer led by Administrative Secretary.

Motion to adopt the minutes as mailed for the February 21, 2024, meeting with no public comment, by J.Hood seconded by V.Brown Vote passed Yeas-6 Nays-none Absent-April Curtis Under public input, Mr. Johnny Morgan addressed the board with a proposal whereby his organization,Obedience2Death Ministries, would agree to aCEA with the District for use of the Fore Road property for dog obedience training in return with like kind services by providing grass cutting and keeping areas clean at no cost to the District. Board discussed the proposal and agreed on the proposal terms.

Motion to enter into a CEA as proposed by the Obedience2Death Ministries relating to the Fore Road properties contingent upon the final review and acceptance by Legal Counsel with no public comment by T.McRae seconded by B.J.Guerin Vote passed Yeas-6 Nays-none Absent-April Curtis Thomas Bryson addressed the board with a proposal on consideration for the park to be an official pod site for emergency assistance to the public. He proposed to use the front section of the park that would allow proper traffic flow. He noted that there are 7sites proposed in the Parish and explained the procedures used and that this CEA would be in case of an emergency only. Board discussed the terms.


 Motion to direct Legal Counsel to draft a CEA for board consideration as proposed by the Livingston Parish Office of Emergency Preparedness relating to emergency assistance events with no public comment by B.J.Guerin seconded by T.McRae Vote passed Yeas-6 Nays-none Absent-April Curtis Director, Mike Hansen, reported that the season schedule was completed with only the 13-14 year category needing finalizing.

*He covered a resolution of an issue with sewer drainage during Tournament at the four-plex. It was fixed under an emergency.

*He noted that grass is growing so the cutting season will begin soon. He noted that two pieces of equipment are being repaired.

*He noted that the question regarding overtime continues and that the Legal Counsel is to recommend language on the policy. Board discussed and will address soon.

Administrative Secretary presented the financial report with the board for the February, 2024, period of operations as compared to budget with March bills.

He recommended to change the bank agent to Hancock Whitney after researching offers to serve the District by various banks since the cyber security issue with the past agent. Board agreed to proceed with this banking change as recommended.

Motion to accept the financial report of February and pay the bills as presented for the March period with no public comment by J.Hood seconded by C.Prescott Vote passed Yeas-6 Nays-none Absent-April Curtis Motion to approve the Louisiana Compliance Systems Questionnaire as presented for the 2023 Financial audits with no public comment by T.McRae seconded by V.Brown Vote passed Yeas-6 Nays-none Absent-April Curtis Chairman reported the need to emphasize election (4-27-24) communications. B.J. Guerin shared plans for signage which will be contributed by various private individuals and the placement of printed signs at no cost to the District. It was noted that Sport NCenter is donating printing services for the individuals in order to educate the public on the renewal election. It was also noted that the engineer is donating a presentation of expansion plans also.

Under Committee Reports:

a-Tracy McRae of the Capital Outlay Committee reminded that flyers on plans need to be given to all organizations that use the park and some of the elementary schools for participants. Board discussed the flyer distribution timing