The Livingston Parish Recreation District 2 met in a regular meeting on Wednesday, December 13, 2023, ni Watson, La. at 6 pm at the Administrative Office (Live Oak Sportsplex) located at 36965 Louisiana Highway 16, Watson, La.
Present- T.McRae, J.Hood, B.Beard, A.Curtis, B.J.Guerin, V.Brown Absent: Chris Prescott
Guests: Director Mike Hansen
Public: none
Meeting called to order by Vice Chairman Tracey McRae Pledge of allegiance was given and prayer led by the Administrative Secretary.
Public Hearing was called to order for discussion of the proposed 2023 Amended Budget and the proposed 2024 Budget. No public was in attendance.
A recap of both budgets was presented by the Administration Secretary.
Public Hearing was adjourned at 6:06 pm.
Motion to adopt the minutes as mailed for the November 8, 2023, meeting with no public comment, by B.Beard seconded by B.J.Guerin Vote passed Yeas-6 Nays-none Absent-Chris Prescott Motion approve the ordering and calling of a special election to be held in Recreation District No. 2 of Livingston Parish, Louisiana, on Saturday, April 27, 2024, for the purpose of authorizing the renewal of a fifteen (15) mill tax on assessed valuation of al property subject to taxation in the District, for aperiod of ten (10) years for the purpose of constructing, improving, maintaining and operating the recreational facilities governed by the District; further making application to the State Bond Commission for consent and authorization to hold the aforesaid election; and further providing for other matters in connection therewith with no public comment by B.J.Guerin seconded by B.Beard Vote passed Yeas-6 Nays-none Absent-Chris Prescott Motion to adopt the 2023 ADA policy effective immediately as presented with no public comment, by A. Curtis seconded by J.Hood Vote passed Yeas-6 Nays-none Absent-Chris Prescott There was no oid business.
Director, Mike Hansen, reported on basketball registration numbers (increasing from last year). He noted that play will be in a Denham gym and local gym.
Director reported on maintenance projects for the winter (ants, grass, etc.) He stated that damaged fencing is being repaired, repairs ot drainage issues on the outfields of several fields completed, pressure washing almost complete, and removal of old scoreboards in process. He also stated that fields 2 and 7 demolition phases will begin soon.
He reported that bathroom vandalism damage has been repaired.
Director stated that lighting issues now identified are to be repaired in January. Jimmy Hood left the meeting.
Administrative Secretary presented the financial report to the board for the November period of operations as compared to budget with December bills.
Motion to accept the financial report of November and pay the bills as presented for the December period with no public comment by V.Brown seconded by B.J.Guerin Vote passed Yeas-5 Nays-none Absent-Chris Prescott Not voting- J.Hood Motion to amend the 2023 Budget as presented in the amount of $ 1,632,600 with no public comment by B.Beard seconded by A.Curtis Vote passed Yeas-6 Nays- none Absent-Chris Prescott Motion to adopt the 2024 Budget as presented ni the amount of $ 1,702,900 with no public comment by V.Brown seconded by B.Beard Vote passed Yeas-6 Nays- none Absent-Chris Prescott There were no public comments, so Vice Chairman moved to the next agenda item.
Under board comments, Tracy McRae presented a preliminary draft of election education plan for the public on the future renewal special tax election. Board discussed the line items and the philosophy on the ideas presented. It was stated that the Engineer will donate his design fee on a plat of the planned improvements and assist in furnishing printing supplies. Board recapped future action points to be considered in the days ahead.
Motion to adjourn the meeting with no public comment by B.J.Guerin seconded by A. Curtis Vote passed Yeas-5 Nays-none Absent-Chris Prescott not voting-J.Hood Pandal mnirt Randall Smith – Administrative Secretary Next public meeting on Wednesday, January 10, 2023 6 pm
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